Thursday, July 02, 2009

Plein Air Artist, Jason Saunders, offers unique opportunity.
This is open to any painter - not just plein air.

*Summer Still Life Open Studio. Six Wednesday Nights 5-9:00ish. FREE exept for approximately $10. each session for purchase of still life materials or model fee.

July 8th,15th,29th, August 5th, 19th, and 26th. Come out to the country and paint and learn. Jason has built a new studio and workspace comfortably large enough for multiple setups. Located in the Leipers Fork area. This is an open studio style class. This is not a structured class. This is for those who just want to work together and learn together. Anyone is welcome to come out to paint, watch, and/or study. We will have several still life setups, and occationally a model. You must bring your own equiptment and take it with you each week. Bring your own dinner. No need to register but please notify me if your coming. Maximum of 10 painters per session. Email to -

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