Friday, August 22, 2008

Tomorrow - August 23, 2008 - 7:45 a.m.
Stones River Greenway -
Percy Priest Lake at the Dam

Although it'll be hot, we should be able to find some shade here (and it'll be early). Besides, I haven't painted in three weeks and got to go! As an added attraction, there have been some hay bales on the slope adjacent to the entrance to the greenway. If they are still there - they make a great painting.
I'm not sure how far it is to this "hanging" walkway (think it's about midway between the Dam and Lebanon Rd.), but, if I can make it, that's where I'll be.


Take I-40 East to Stewarts Ferry Pike

Right on Stewarts Ferry Pike

Left on Bell Road

Left again before you drive over the dam

Drive down hill and park

Start walking! (Can't miss the hay bales on your left, if they are still there.)

Call me if you come and can't find me... cell - 513-0511

Happy Painting - Bitsy

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