Plein Air Nashville meets Saturday mornings and paints various locations around the city. Any outdoor artist is welcome. Subscribe to the list for the latest announcements.
Friday, September 09, 2011
Saturday - September - 10, 2011 - 8:30 am to 4:00 pm
All plein air artists are invited to join members of The Chestnut Group Saturday, Sept. 10th at The Hermitage to paint in celebration of the International Plein Air Painters Worldwide Paint Out! We'll start at 8:30am and can stay till about 4pm.
Let them know at the gate you are an artist for free admission. We will gather near the front of the Hermitage for a group photo of all the participating artists at 11am. Please share with your artist friends!
Additional note about the Hermitage paint out.....we can NOT paint near the Tulip Grove Mansion. They are hosting a private corporate event that day there. Any where else on the grounds is fine though!! See you THIS Saturday, 9/10 at The Hermitage!